
Gold Margins,hikes again, This Time By 27%

And There's Your Perfectly Leaked Explanation: CME Hikes Gold Margins, Again, This Time By 27%

AUGUST 24, 2011

Tyler Durden's picture
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 08/24/2011

Two weeks after the CME hiked gold margins by 22%, and two days after the Shanghai Gold Exchange sent them higher by 26%, here comes the CME, as we expected, with another 26% gold margin hike (previously: "Should we expect 3 more SGE margin hikes in the next 2 weeks? Or will the CME rightfully accept the baton and do everything in its power to dent the parabolic rise in the alternative reserve currency? We are cautiously looking at what the CME will do today and will advise readers."). And now we know that this particular margin hike was leaked well in advance, and explains the entire $100 plunge in gold today. And as a reminder, the August 1 CME margin hike worked... for about 30 minutes.
