CMC市場公司,經紀人提供了澳大利亞的合同差價(差價合約),剛剛正式加入了越來越大的集團為首的Forex.com(討論星期六)這是現在建議客戶,黃金和白銀交易將被禁止在一個月。具體來說,管委會曾表示,7月29日開始,將不再提供或滾任何現有黃金和白銀差價合約。什麼是奇怪的是,不像Forex.com,它建議客戶停止類似的交易是7月25日作為涉及到現貨 OTC產品(XAU和XAG),CMC的停止是影響黃金和白銀期貨。雖然我們仍然不相信我們理解正是跨度的產品是禁止多德 - 弗蘭克,似乎越來越經紀人解釋法律的寬鬆,足以在幾乎所有黃金和白銀產品將很快被遣送零售的參與。讀者,但是,可以放心的商品期貨交易委員會,這是迫切拖延任何Frankendodd規定,損害華爾街的底線,不會動一根手指,以解決或解決這個問題,會突然影響到數百萬散戶投資者在美國,和周圍的世界。
Another Broker Halts Trading In Gold And Silver Products
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 06/19/2011 23:35 -0400
CMC Markets, a broker out of Australia which offers Contracts For Difference (CFDs), has just formally joined the increasingly larger group headed by Forex.com (discussed on Saturday) which is now advising customers that gold and silver trading will be prohibited in a month. Specifically, CMC has said that beginning July 29, it will no longer offer nor roll any of its existing gold and silver CFDs. What is curious is that unlike Forex.com, which advised clients it is halting comparable trading on July 25 as pertains to spot OTC products (XAU and XAG), CMC's halt is impacting gold and silver futures. While we still are not confident we understand precisely what span of products is prohibited by Dodd-Frank, it appears that ever more brokers are interpreting the law loosely enough to where practically all gold and silver products will soon be removed from retail participation. Readers, however, can rest assured that the CFTC, which is urgently delaying any of the Frankendodd provisions that impair Wall Street bottom lines, will not move a finger to address or resolve this issue which will suddenly affect millions of retail investors in the US, and around the world.